Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Cheese Wiz

Did you know you can become ADDICTED to CHEESE? It’s a true addiction ladies and gentlemen, trust me I just googled the hell out of it. Well, I’m here to tell you that I am addicted. I LOVE cheese. If someone put a gun to my head and said, you have three seconds to choose between cheese or your family, I would sob. I’m not a total jerk and I would obviously pick my family, but you have to be damn certain that I would resent the hell out of them. I would be bitter and angry, and they would hate me. 


(yes, I have my own drawer dedicated to my addiction)

Honestly, cheese is a problem, and I am a huge snob about it. I have to eat the real deal. Low fat cheese= GROSS. It tastes like plastic, whoever thought of making cheese low fat is a moron. I prefer rich, delicious cheese. And it can’t be the plastic singles crap. I remember the first time someone gave me REAL deli American cheese. I was sitting at the counter at my babysitter’s house. I popped it into my mouth and my life changed for the better. The rich, creamy, cheese was more than my taste buds could handle. From then on American cheese became my thing.  I would fold It into tiny squares and create a mountain for my tongue (I had some weird habits with food). Since then my cheese addiction has matured. I now appreciate almost all kinds of cheese, my favorites being: Gorgonzola, Goat, Sharp Cheddar etc, etc. There’s this awesome wine store in downtown Portsmouth that has this aged CRYSTALIZED CHEDDAR, they give out samples with their wine. Obviously I go just for the cheese (who am I kidding? AND THE WINE) but honestly, believe me I tell you this, you will feel warm all over when you taste this cheese. I’m trying to keep this blog PG, but trust me… 

Anyways, my entry on cheese needs to end soon because I am starting to salivate and my new computer doesn’t need any issues. Also, it might be hard to explain to the Staples guy that I broke my computer because I drooled at the thought of cheese. 

                Over and Out.
                                              KM xoxo